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Tag: custom

  • Tackling Cottage Renovations with a HELOC Before Moving In - Dreaming of moving to your cottage and turning it into a year-round residence? Maybe you’re getting ready to retire or you have a remote job that lets you work anywhere. Whether it’s a lakeside retreat or a cozy cabin in the woods, moving to your cottage permanently can be a rewarding lifestyle change but there ...
  • Affordable Financing Options To Make Your Dream Home Renovations Reality - Are you a homeowner looking to turn your renovation dreams into reality but lacking the necessary funds? Don’t worry! There are many financing options you can look at as a homeowner! With the right home renovation loan and guidance providing you with valuable insights and strategies throughout the process, you’ll have the funds for your ...
  • Can Renos Offset Falling Home Prices? - We all love a good ol’ home renovation show or a DIY project we come across. But when you’re serious about renovating your home, there are many things to think about. Will the decor choices I make stay in style? Will renovations help your home sell in the future? Can you afford it? Renovations to ...
  • How To Finance Home Renovations That Give A Good Return On The Investment - Staring at that old kitchen counter from the 1990s that you wish you could change? Or wishing your basement could be turned into the entertainment center it deserves? Your dreams of home renovations may not be as far out of reach as you think. Having a mortgage is like holding an investment account. Your home ...
  • The Blog To Read Before Flipping A House - If you’re like me, home renovation shows get me hooked. Except, they make it look pretty easy when you see professionals with a huge budget being able to flip a rundown shack into a gorgeous tiny home. If you’re up for the challenge of buying a property and flipping it for a profit, you’re in ...
  • Tips For Paying For Your Home’s Summer Renovations - Whether you’re paying for a new roof, backyard revamps, or a kitchen upgrade, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out how to pay for this large expense. Having a new shed, deck, or fence will not only make your backyard look amazing, but will also increase your home’s value. As a financial advisor, I ...
  • Tips & Advice For Opening The Cottage - It’s that special time of the year – the first weekend in the new year where you pack up your car, grab the best snacks, and head up to open the cottage! The kids are in the back, kicking the front seat with joy. You’re also excited but, in the back of your mind, you ...
  • Before You Build Your Own Home? You Should Know… - We all dream about that perfect home and what it would be like to live in it. Some may think it’s a castle in the countryside overlooking open land, while others may think it’s a small home in the city built from storage containers with a very modern spin. Whatever your “dream home” is, it’s ...
  • Renovating your home? Use Your Mortgage & Home Equity! - There are a variety of reasons you may have decided to renovate your house. Perhaps you’re looking to make your house more energy efficient by replacing the windows. Maybe your deck is out of shape and needs repairs. Or you’re simply tired of looking at your dated kitchen and need to spice things up. Whatever ...
  • A Home Renovation For Christmas & How To Finance It - Who doesn’t love getting gifts? I know I do. The holidays are here! But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, maybe your Christmas shopping list is looking a little shorter this year. It’s bittersweet, but with the money you’re saving, why not treat yourself to a nice little (or big) gift? It’s time to stop putting ...
  • What are the penalties if I break my mortgage? - The Bank of Canada has announced many dips in interest rates over the past few months, so I thought it timely that we talk about the penalties of breaking a mortgage as I’ve had clients asking me recently if it makes sense for them to break their mortgage to take advantage of lower interest rates. ...
  • New Year’s Resolutions – Don’t Put off that Home Renovation - It feels like we just began 2019, and now we’re saying goodbye to another year and another decade. It’s a great time to start fresh and tackle something important, like a home renovation or much-needed repair. The problem for many people is…how exactly will you pay for such a project, particularly if your savings aren’t ...
  • Financing Options for Your Summer Renovation - Is this the summer you’re going to dig in to that special home project you’ve been wanting to accomplish for years? Many homeowners are eager to make their outdoor living space as perfect as possible by adding a new deck, patio, ‘she-shed’, fence or maybe a swimming pool – just to name a few of ...
  • 3 Great Ways to Pay for Your Home Renovation - With the spring housing market predicted to remain sluggish, many would-be home sellers are staying put and loving their current home or condo a little longer. This becomes a great time to get those much-needed renovations done once and for all and truly enjoy your home. Whether you’re tired of your tired, outdated kitchen or ...
  • What You Really Need to Know Before You Renovate - Your HGTV addiction has finally convinced you – it’s time to renovate! But wait – hold up! Before you grab that paintbrush or rip out those outdated bathroom tiles, there are a few things you really should consider. Here’s the lowdown on what you need to know before you decide to renovate your home: Make ...
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