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5 Tips on Buying a Home in Barrie

5 Tips on Buying a Home in Barrie

Buying a home in Barrie or anywhere across central Ontario can be both an exhilarating and stressful experience. In this article, we offer 5 tips to help make buying a property a smoother and more pain free experience for you.

Tip #1 – Educate Yourself

Buying a house is a big deal, especially if it”s your first time. You”re making a major emotional and financial move. It”s important to educate yourself as much as you possibly can. Some ways  you can do that include talking to real estate professionals, reading  books and doing your research on the internet.

Tip #2 – Get Professional Help

According to Consumer Reports, buyers who used a real estate agent  generally saved at least $5,000 when compared to buyers who didn”t use a  real estate agent.  Research has shown again and again that in the long  run, you save money by working with a professional. Given the current  market, that”s especially true in the Barrie market. They know what  to look for, what to warn you about, how to negotiate and a whole lot  more. Why risk it with something as important as your home?

Tip #3 – Educate Yourself about Mortgages and Hire a Professional Mortgage Broker

One area that buyers are often under educated in is mortgages. What are  the different types of loans available? What are the pros, cons, risks  and benefits of each type of loan? Understanding your loan is  equivalent to understanding your financial future – therefore, hiring a mortgage broker who is prepared to spend time with you to walk you through all the mortgage alternatives and then present to you the best solution is a must.  A mortgage broker like Darren Robinson is impartial and independent of the lending institution he uses, therefore you will get a better deal.

Tip #4 – Take Your Time and Look at a Lot of Properties

Although it”s great to “fall in love” with the house of your choice  when you first see it, it”s also important to shop around and make sure  that the property you”re looking at is really the one you want. There”s a wide variety of options in the Barrie area, so make sure you”ve picked the right one before you move forward with it. Realize that it”s  very hard to go back on an offer or a purchase. The last thing you want  is a nagging feeling of doubt about whether or not you made the right  choice. Also do yourself a favor and do a thorough survey of your area before making your decision.

Tip #5 – Take Notes

Buying a home can be a period of highly accelerated education. It”s  important to take notes, both to help you cement your learning in the  moment, as well as to ensure you have an easy way to refresh yourself on what you learned in the future. When you”re looking at properties,  it”s also important to take notes. If you see five houses a day for two  or three days a week, the houses can quickly blend together. You might  have trouble remembering which impression went with which house. Taking  detailed notes can help you avoid this pitfall.


These five tips should put you ahead of most home buyers out there.  Continue to educate yourself and learn more about the buying process so you can make an educated purchase.

If you’re ready to speak with a Barrie mortgage professional, just give me a call at (705)-737-6161, or drop me an email at [email protected].  As always, you can find valuable information at a website all about getting good mortgage advice in the Barrie Area.

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