When it comes to home security, you can spend anywhere from thirty dollars to thousands of dollars. Now, a famous movie star might need the highest tech security around their home, including paid guards. However, you can have simple security features installed in your home without putting a huge dent in your wallet to ensure your investment is well protected. Heck, they did it in Home Alone for free (although I don’t recommend Kevin’s methods)! It’s important to install some kind of security features and to have good insurance coverage for theft and liability just in case a break-in happens. You hope it never does but, preparation as always is key when minimizing long-term impact when things don’t exactly go as planned.
Easy smart home security systems can include:
- Video cameras installed in doorways or in every room;
- Entryway monitors, including a talk button;
- Automatic 911 calling in case someone is trying to break into a doorway or window;
- Lights with motion detector sensors;
- An automatic sound system that makes it seem like you have an aggressive dog. Yes, it sounds crazy, but can scare off burglars and people do have such features in place to protect their homes.
Simple tips to prevent a break-in
If you’re going to be away on vacation or even if you spend long days away from home, you want to make it seem like someone is there to prevent any unwanted visitors.
- Use timers to turn on/off lights and radios to make it seem like someone is home
- Have someone clear any mail or newspapers piling up at the end of the driveway or door, and bring garbage cans in from the curb. Good neighbours can make for a great security system even
- Install solid core doors and deadbolt locks to prevent easy access by breaking down the door. For windows or sliding doors, use wood or metal “burglar bars” to secure them, or you can go the extra step of boarding them up if you’ll be away for an extended period.
- Before leaving make sure you put away anything tempting like BBQs, kayaks, renovation tools/machines, or even lawn furniture. If high ticket items are out in the open, they are an easy target to get scooped up.
Some hooligans like to think of breaking into a house as a little game, so outsmart them to make it harder and the less likely it is that they will get inside. Make sure you also do this for all of your outbuildings such as a shed, garage, boathouse, or bunkie.
So what happens if you do have a break-in?
In the unfortunate event that someone does break into your home and damages or steals some of your belongings, you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing your broker found you the best insurance rates with a reliable insurance company that will help recover the cost of your lost items. If this isn’t the case, you will have to pay in full for any damage and to replace the belongings that were stolen from your home. Hopefully, you never need to face this situation, but in case you do, let’s make sure you have the best plan in place.
Get home insurance that also covers theft and liability
When deciding on your home insurance options, it can be overwhelming. You want to think about all the worst-case scenarios that can happen to your home and determine how much coverage you need. You want the right amount of insurance to be covered for fire, flooding, theft, liability, natural disasters. and so on.
The more you enhance your home’s security, the less you have to pay for insurance premiums. If the insurance company views you as less of a risk due to your home security features, then you will save on your insurance rates. You can save anywhere from 5% to 20% on your premiums depending on the system, property, and location.
Installing and maintaining safety add-ons to your house, including installing proper smoke alarms, Co2 detectors, and flood detectors, also lowers your insurance rates.
Many “smart home” features are easy to implement and will fit your budget. Not only are they handy for security reasons, but they can also help monitor your household appliances, and let you know when your kids come home from school. Even if you have a “porch pirate” who is stealing deliveries in the neighbourhood, an entryway camera can help police identify the culprit.
Having a good insurance plan that covers any theft or break-in is one of the most important things to consider as a homeowner. Working with a broker and financial advisor is free for you, and they will find you the best rates with the most coverage. Why is a mortgage broker telling you these things? Because I care not only about your mortgage rates but, you and your family too. I enjoy helping you protect your home and your wallet while saving you the time spent shopping around. Give me, Darren Robinson, a call at 705-315-0516, or send me an email at [email protected], to discuss what insurance plans are best for you and your family. I’m happy to make a recommendation as well as to answer any mortgage, investing, or life insurance questions you might have as well.